the madness + rollercoaster

I've been havin' dreams
Jumpin' on a trampoline
Flippin' in the air
I never land, just float there
As I'm looking up
Suddenly the sky erupts
Flames alight the trees
Spread to fallin' leaves
Now they're right upon me
Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When I dream of dying
I never feel so loved
I've been having dreams
Splashin' in a summer stream
Trip and I fall in
I wanted it to happen
My body turns to ice
Crushin' weight of paradise
Solid block of gold
Lying in the cold
I feel right at home
Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When I dream of dying
I never feel so loved
Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When I dream of dying
I never feel so loved
I never feel so loved
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When I dream of dying
I never feel so loved
Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When I dream of dying
I never feel so loved

The human gene is located on chromosome 4 in 4q22.

Previously ADH1B was called ADH2. There are more genes in the family of alcohol dehydrogenase. These genes are now referred to as ADH1AADH1C, and ADH4ADH5ADH6 and ADH7.[8]

Abiogenesis and biogenesis are two phenomena that describe the origin of life on earth. Abiogenesis describes that life originated from the non-living substances. However, biogenesis describes that life originated from pre-existing living organisms by means of reproduction. The main difference between abiogenesis and biogenesis is the origination of life in each phenomenon.

Disproving Abiogenesis will not prove or disprove the existance of any of the 4000 Gods, It will merely disprove abiogenesis. 

Just to remind you Atheism is not Science, Atheism is the disbelief in any of the 4000 or so gods that men have worshipped. Science is not Atheism, Science is the study of our world and has many different areas of study from Abiogenesis to Zoology.