this will be glorious

& legendary

a little about this safe place

the most challenging time in my life... recovery. why are you here? seems the click intrigued you to learn about my story. think of this as an invite into the mind of a "crazy" person. seems we all have struggles and some sort of trauma. if you relate to the journey of life, legends and making changes without boundaries... welcome. 

i am a curious intellect. a mother. a friend and through all of it... i am thankful. finding myself after 25 years of shock due to an early traumatic experience (you aren't alone), this is my therapy. 

as a passionate and growing person, website designer and builder and flawsome... this is my journey in pieces. experience and express comments if this has hit a intrinsic value to you. 

"who would i have been without the inspiration behind my demons?" - probably not a poet. ~ lovelace

I have a very dark side. I’m very available to depression. I can slip in and out of it quite easily. It started when my granddad died, when I was about 10, and while I never had a suicidal thought, I have been in therapy, lots. ~ adele

my daughter. the first thing i will teach her to love will be the word "no" & i will not let her feel guilty for using it. - "no" is short for "fuck off." 


be intrinsic

be curious